My mini Haul and experience @ D.WATSON F-10

Monday, July 02, 2012 Sparkling Palette Blog 15 Comments

Hey Makeup Lovers!!!
Shopping is a therapy they say...and I agree:) But shopping with a baby clinging upon the beauty cosmetics racks and making your existance a threat for the shop keepers is not a good idea at all... I say and you all must agree. So on 11th June I requested my hubby to give me a baby-free ONE FULL HOUR so I can peacefully select few of necessities from the long cosmetics list I had made, without threatening the shop keepers:) So was my baby-free shopping trip a success? Read More:)

As I said earlier I had A real looooooooong list to shop from, but I could only buy:

  1. Rimmel white kohl PKR 350
  2. Bourjois Double ended Eye shadow brush PKR 235
  3. L'oreal Paris Hydra Fresh Foaming Gel PKR 500
The detailed reviews of these products will be uploaded soon:) Have a look at my one:)

mini Haul!!!

There are two main reasons why  my long shopping list was squeezed into buying only three items:)

L'oreal Paris Hydra Fresh Foaming Gel is the one product which cancelled buying of 3-4 products from my shooping list i.e Cleanser, Makeup remover, non-greasy cleanser, toner etc. So the list was trimmed automatically as I don't need all these products for my daily cleansing any more.Without spending hours in the whole cleansing procedure I get fresh makeup free, cleansed skin in only one wash. Will review it in detail:)

This reason was the major reason to trim my shopping list, rather I did not want to shop AT ALL, but as getting one full hour baby-free is a rare leisure, so had to buy only essential and that too which were available in the so called biggest cosmetics store in Islamabad esp F-10. Yes You must have got it the store itself disappointed me:( Although it is one of the biggest store of the D.Watson chain of medical and cosmetics store, but there customer service, not-interested sales team and non-availability of products really disappointed me:( let me put my experience in pointers:

NOTE: I am not biased against the store and not paid by any other party for this blog this is my OWN Experience and I am putting all these things up here in positive sense, to guide my readers and to point out theses things so the referred store can improve there service.

  • It was 11th June the launching of Garnier Oil-Control cream/mousturizer, as it was announced by many prestigious blogs, remember? But there was no clue about it even the slaes girl didnt know such product:(
  • Artdeco announced there make-over activity on all there counters nation wide, even on my inquiring they gave the name of D.Watson F-10, but no such activity was seen there:(
  • Sales girls were seen tired, although it was 8 pm and that is not that late, even in lahore it is the peak time for shopping:( They were not interested to guide me or show products as when I asked for few things they started passing my on to each other:( Finally there rep in uniform Asia Khan came forward and rescued me, she was the one who guided me to buy L'oreal Hydra Fresh Foaming Gel, a good suggestion indeed, otherwise the other girls simply showed me the way to the cleanser and facial products section un attended and un-guided, you will think that why I am being so paranoic about being unattended, so the people who shop from Al-Fatah can understand what I am talking about(I will praise Al-Fatah in a separate blog post). The other girl who had no one else to pass me onto just placed the rest of two items on my demand and left with no choice no option I bought them:( Sale Team can MAke or Mar the repo of the store so work on them and make them efficient so not to loose your clientele.
  • Many of the products were not available, as they had no full range of products even on the display counter of Rimmel, in blushes only pink was available, no full range of Luscious products, even signature lipstick were not complete:( Color Studio Professional counter was empty and no full range of there lipsticks:(
  • The tester were empty as they were sucked by the sales girls, as I asked her to show me the sparkling nude shado she is wearing on her eyes she went to Maybelline counter and picked up duo shades and that purticular shade was not there she tried to give me the swatch by plucking the shade with nail...yyyewwwwwwgh!!! I said no, and she smiled sheepishly and said" we love this hade so much that its gone!!!"
  • They had no common brands like Golden Rose, Sweet Touch. So the customer have limited options and that all are high-end brands like L'oreal, Maybelline and Rimmel etc and that too with no full ranges available:(
  • The store is, as I said earlier, the biggest of this chain, very spacious but they have not made a good usage of the space.
  • The corner for Facial products has products placed even on the floor down rack, and no one was there to pick-up things for you, so I had to sit down and bent my knee down so I may not appear squatting O-0
I was so disappointed and felt like crying as I wasted my precious baby-free one hour, they had no counter of Essence, Catrice, Full range of Colour Studio Professional, full range of Luscious Signature lipsticks, no nail colours from Sweet Touch, SO WHAT ARE THEY RUNNING THE STORE FOR??? Only to sell few products of High-end brands. Even there small cosmetics store in F-6 have more options than this big store. May be this suite people living in Islamabad but not to me...not at all I am a common customer I have to see my budget my choice from a good range of options. I want them to upgrade there store for customers coming from all background not only for specific clientele. Please it will only be beneficial for your own store, I have nothing to do with it as I AM NOT GOING TO VISIT D.WATSON's COSMETICS CORNER EVER AGAIN.


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  1. This is so pathetic and sad. I really wish they take some action asap or they will lose a lot of their customers. Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. You are very much Right dear Sara they alreday lost it as I was one of the few people present on there cosmetics floor...

  2. Hey ! Want review please :) on l'oreal Paris Hydra Fresh Foaming Gel. It seems good product....

  3. That's really disappointing. I myself hate it when the the sales people act so indifferently.

  4. i went there yesterday and OMG it has improved..

    1. If its true then I am more than happy as it is really the biggest cosmetics store in the town and it must act BIG:)

  5. hmmmmm, nice review, thanks for update information

  6. ur blog is kool but in spanish...lolz im unable to understand but still following back:)thanx for visiting and following:)

  7. Hey why dont u visit blue area d watson? The staff is so clingy u hve to fight them off believe me :D n the full range of luscious n color studio is available there plus most of other brands. I always go there.

    1. will definitely visit there, I liked Shaheen in F-6 better, but havent shopped there yet!!!

  8. OMG i have the same experience with d watson! I have started going to Hayees now, there are two branches in Jinnah and the one that opened recently is heaveeen! They have variety and the staff is really co operative as well!

    1. Ur rite I also recently visited Hayee's andliked the store and there positive attitude:)

  9. well Alfateh is not what it used to be.can u believe they had only three shades of revlon color stay.the sales girls are not very helping either.they will not let u try somthing on your own and will jump on your back restricting your options.i used to enjoy going there but with all the crowd,bossy sales girls, my kids kickin and screamin shopping there is not a pleasure any more. :(
    khair i will visit hayees when in islamabad


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