My Lip Liner pencils~ Review+Swatches: Blog Series

Thursday, September 27, 2012 Sparkling Palette Blog 14 Comments

Hey Lipstick Lovers!!!
I am sure that you all will agree that Lipsticks are in complete without there partners, "LIP Pencils". Therefor I thought my blog series My Lipstick Collection will be incomplete without showing you all my Lip pencils collection so are you excited, the way I am? To KNOW more, READ more!!!
My Lip Liner Pencils

My Say:
I use Lip liner pencils but when I am just going out, I skip it and just put on my Lipsticks, and here I go! On the occasions when I am really getting ready and following all make-up rituals than its a must to define my lips and enhance there shape and some times the shade of the Lipstick. I do not fill in all the lips, usually, Just outline them, not a prominent one(I choose the lip liner color that settles with the applied lipstick shade), and may blend the lips liner color with the lipstick if required. Personally I do not like Thick Prominent Lip outline that stands out, that only suites on Big Lips, and I don't have those. I also use these to control the gloss with in the limits of my lips...lolz.
I remember that there was a time in my student life when I was not able to buy many lipsticks so I used some of my in-expensive Lip pencils and mixed them with my available Lipsticks to create different Lipstick shades, unique and my own, usually I mixed with it a bare lipstick I had named "oatmeal" from Jacqueline company.
Lets Have a look at the pencils and the swatches without wasting any time: HAVE A LOOK!!!
8 Lip pencils in my collection from L2R I have numbered them

Swatches from L2R according to the picture of the pencils
I will describe the shades number vice:

It is BURGUNDY #12 shade from Aqua Germany, I bought it on my wedding as I needed a liner to outline my Red Lipstick, Review. So it is a dark and more on the RED side, see I did not want a common red. So I use it with my Bright Lipsticks. It is also for eyes but I never used it on my eyes.

It is a soft orange or you can call it a dark coral, I apply it with my coral and peachy shade Lipsticks like my Classics #211, Review, or my Golden Rose Lip-gloss in #103, Review. It is from Beauty Treats #BC001. This I also bought on my wedding.

It is a mauve pencil mostly used with my pinks to add a mauve-ish shade to them depending on my dressing. I often use it with my Classics Diamond shine Lipstick #53, Review. I bought it for Pkr 10 only and the brand name has disappeared,may be its from Davis? The number is 026.

This has been my most favourite Lip pencil, I bought five of these. Cost was Pkr 10 each,may be this is also from Davis the number is 027. I used this pencil to shade my Lipsticks into dark pink, outlining my pinks and bright Lipsticks. In my student life I used this and other lip pencils to create different shades of Lipsticks from soft shaded Lipsticks, will share the trick and experience soon:)

This is another brighty, DEW MAUVE 250 from Christine. It is a mauve-ish Maroon. Again used with my bright Lipsticks and also to brighten up my pinks some times.This I also bought on my wedding.
Used in a Makeup Look HERE!!!

This is a pale peachy coral from Bourjois Paris,number has disappeared. It is a Jumbo pencil. Few years back it was in fashion to put these lip pencils alone on lips,now I use it as a base for my Lip gloss.

This is MOCCA 280, from Christine. As it is brown so it mostly goes with my brownies, I mean Brown Lipsticks.This I also bought on my wedding. Used in a Makeup Look here.

This is a soft PINK, PURE PINK, from Beauty Treats #BC009 I like this shade alot as it is so soft that it just provide outline to my pink lipsticks and glosses and does not stand out. This I also bought on my wedding. This Product is used in a FOTD here.

Hope You Like my Lip Liners collection. Do comment, share, like, tweet and G+ this post.

Do You use Lip Lining Pencils or just skip this part?

Remember me in your prayers.


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  1. wow, you have some lovely shade lip liners <3

  2. wow... I am loving 1,2,6,8... You got enough lip liners... in swatches these are still looking so pigmented. amazing post :)

  3. i use lip pencil religiously .i have fuller lips and i am conscious that light colors might make them look big so lip pencil is a must.i also use jumbo pencil and lip pencils to create the shades i like,just like u ^_^.
    I really like your blog series and enjoyed it as much as anyone could without pics(internet probs arghhh).
    have u tried rivaj lip pencils and jumbo colors but very good quality for the price

    1. Thanx for loving the blog series, I vener tried rivaj uk'z lip pencils..will chek them. <3 thanx for ur lovely comments dear

  4. Great collection :D I am loving 4 & 8

  5. number 6 is such a pretty shade...must have

  6. nice review its hard to find a good creamy lipliner.

  7. salam can u tell me where i can get the Beauty Treats #BC001 lip pencil in Karachi??

  8. what's the prics of beauty treats lip pencil??in Pakistan

    1. Dear I replied ur query on other post:) but yes It was around 200 Pkr when I bought them three years ago:) I am not sure where to get these in karachi, you hav eto do racky urself for that do check Naheeds and ask them to guide u too:)

  9. hi can u plz let me knw where can i get Davis lip liner...any online shoppin sites to buy it??


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