Spring Jewelry Haul!!! 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013 Sparkling Palette Blog 7 Comments

Hey Jewelry Lovers!!!
Trust me if I say "I had no plan, absolutely NO PLAN of buying Jewelry at all", but who can stand that temptatious cravings??? Not Me!!! So had a Haul. Wanna Know what I got? To Know More Read More!!!

I was going through the online shopping store Dhanak page when I spotted jewelry in Sparkles album, which is not owned by the owner of the page but her friend. I started watching the pictures and something not only caught my eyes but also my heart. So I had a HAUL!!! Sigh! the forbidden shopper went shopping, lolz.

Ivory Gold Feather Earrings by Forever21:

Ivory Gold Feather Earrings by Forever21

Ivory Gold Feather Earrings by Forever21
Ivory Gold Feather Earrings by Forever21
This is what made my heart miss a beat. This is so elegant and so awesome I couldn't resist the temptation. I am sure you all will agree. Bought it for Pkr 480/- justified. i love it the most, see how the feathers are adding beauty to all the pictures :) My Love!!!

Used in a Makeup Look HERE!!!

Pearl and Heart Ear Stud by J.Crew:

Pearl and Heart Ear Stud by J.Crew
Pearl and Heart Ear Stud by J.Crew

Pearl and Heart Ear Stud by J.Crew

I loved these cute little studs. I always long for good pearl ear studs and these ones are so beautiful with a pinkish print on them. The other pair is of white hearts. I love these cuties. You can see that I have placed them in criss cross, well that helps on the back side when you are removing one of the set for use. I can easily spot which one to remove. Try it you will know what I mean, That Nail art is from one of my window shopping spree :p This was for Pkr 200/- only.

Gold Rings by Forever21:

Gold Rings by Forever21
Gold Rings by Forever21
Gold Rings by Forever21
Gold Rings one style of wearing
Gold Rings free style of wearing
This one was just to add another forever 21 in my Jewelry box :p I love the idea of multi rings got it and am loving it these days :) Can be worn alone or paired up, total free will of wearing, total independence of choice, what else a "born free soul" needs :p Bought it for Pkr 400/-.

Hope you like this post. Do share your views, comment, share, like, tweet, G+ and Pin IT.
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To read my other posts on Jewelry Items, click the link.

Stay blessed.
Remember me in your prayers.


Note: This is not a PR post/product. This is my own purchase.

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  1. I really like the pearl studs! They are very pretty <3

  2. These rings are beautiful .

    I am not getting your blog updates :( Are you getting mine ?

  3. i love the feather earrings....great haul

  4. i am so loving feather earings.. looking so trendy

  5. OMG great haul! Those feather earrings are so pretty!
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    -Jenna <3


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