Classics Lipsticks Shade #211 &238 ~Review & Swatches

Friday, September 21, 2012 Sparkling Palette Blog 17 Comments

Hey Lipstick lovers!!!
The blog series is not over yet, it's not a T20 match but a long series so there is more to come yet from My Lipstick Collection. I am going to share my two lovelies rather darlings from my Classics Lipsticks which I have since my wedding and one is my daily use choice and the other is an occasional rather festivity pick. To know more READ MORE:

The Two Classics' Lipstick in my collection are shade #211 & #238, I had another shade in #207 that was a caramel golden very sheen shade, gave it to my Mom, well she is the one who gets most of the benefit as I have no sister, but she deserves it Love You MOM. Well now gets back to the review of these two shades which I have. Let Me Introduce the two beauties in my collection Two different babies of same brand: Classics. These are not specified as matte or cream Lipsticks. This brand has a good range of colours to choose from. As I bought them for my wedding so I selected different shades that can be used on daily bases and also for parties etc. (The details of each shade will be reviewed individually in this post). First thing which I liked about this brand was there transparent casing, as far as I remember it came with a packing too in silver box. This was the first time i bought this brand so I had no experience but to tell you the truth the lipsticks has lived up to my expectations and even more than that as the shades and the lipstick's quality didn't disappoint me at all. Rather I fell in love with them esp #211. Both shades served me well.These are matte shades with shimmer in it that makes them shiny and they look creamy. Application is smooth texture is creamy and pigmentation is great. I had no issue regarding the quality of the product over all. You truly get the shade on the bullet as it is on your lips no change, no conversion, no toning down and no DE-colorizing. They are totally worth single penny I paid for them, as far as i remember 3 years ago when I bought them these were around Pkr 400 each.
Now the detailed review with swatches and pictures of each shade:) HAVE A LOOK!!!

Classics Lipstick in shade # 211:
Classics Lipstick shade #211

You see how soon it is going to touch the bottom...even the shade is on the rim

Swatch on my wrist

Classics #211 applied on my Lips

This is the first coral peach in my collection and I am sure that I will buy the same when it will finish, and from the picture you must have realized that that time is coming soon. I selected this shade as before wedding you need to have few common shades and Orange is one of them besides Red, Pink and Brown. Like a person I am I wanted something in coral or peach rather than a tangerine orange. So after swatching many shades from the Lipstick counter in Al-Fatah I found this and bought it immediately and till date did not regret it. It served my choice well a peachy coral, NOT an orange at all. I Love it Love it Love it!!! what else shall I say?
Note: On the lips I applied it with a light coral/orange lip pencil.

The quality is a fab as I described earlier. Hope you will love the swatches and will tempt to get it in rating I will give it 5/5.

Classics lipstick in shade# 238:
Classics Lipstick shade #238

It is still there as it is used occasionally 

Swatch on my hand

Swatch in flash-light

Swatch in Natural-light
This shade is a typical wedding shade being a bright shade, but a different one that suites my choice as it is not a straight common shade. It is a shocking pink more on a mauve-ish side you can call it megenta shade (Thanks Shamaila for the correct spellings:)). It is a shimmery shade but matte in it's application. The shimmer is not glittery, it just make the shade shiny and is not visible at all. I use it occasionally on night functions esp weddings etc. As I am not at all a person who can carry such bold and dark shades on daily bases without ANY purpose, lolz (well being married the purpose arises some times, lolz).

4.5/5 only as for me it's not a daily choice due to it's being a bold shade but quality vice it's a beauty esp the shade is so unique.

Hope You all like these shades from My Lipstick Collection. Do comment, share like and G+ this post and also tweet about it to spread the love of Lipsticks in all lipstick lovers around us.

Do you have your favourite shades in some bold lipstick shades or coral and peach? Or You can handle the Orange itself?

Remember me in your prayers.


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  1. gorgeously pigmented, pity i can't get my hands on them

  2. hey i am loving the first one :) that is looking so perfect for your lips. :)

  3. I don't like orange lipsticks on me but these seem great :)

    1. Ya well this shade #211 is a savior if orange is the last shade u want to apply...:)

  4. shade one is so pretty and looks too good on ur lips

  5. ist shade is so beautiful and looks super pretty on ur lips

  6. The orange looks ohh so amazing on you. :) loving it a lot.
    Btw my first time on ur blog. Keep up d gud work. <3

  7. kindly tell me where to get the beauty treats lip pencils in Karachi?? as u have shown in ur blog ??

  8. Dear Jenny, I got mine from Alfatah Lahore, I am not sure about karachi but this is a common brand for lip pencils ull be able to get from the cosmetics stores alll u have to do is to search a little, I hope u find it soon:)

  9. The lipsticks look lovely especially the first one.
    I just saw this brand in a photo and decided to google it and up came your post, have you tried anything elso of theirs?

    Btw, the second shade you were trying to spell is 'magenta' :D

    Nice reviews :)

    1. Thanks honey for stopping by and also for the spellings:) Dear I used there lipstick in diamon shine shade number 53 check the review for that on my blog, in labels click Classics, you will get there:) join my blog and keep coming back:)

  10. Both shades are vibrant and pretty, yes they complimented and more suitable for parties and wedding <3


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