Luscious Sparkling Face Shimmer~ FAIRY DUST~ Review & Swatches

Monday, October 15, 2012 Sparkling Palette Blog 9 Comments

Hey Luscious Lovers!!!
Highlighting has been a HOT trend lately and even in this Winter it is not going to COOL DOWN. For highlighting this IN shimmery trend on my face/body I picked the Luscious Sparkling Shimmer. How is it going between two of US so far? To Know More, READ MORE!!!


A luxurious loose powder in 5 softly tinted shades that gives your skin a luminous sheen. Completes your look by highlighting all the right places for a glamorous glow. Works perfectly with your makeup as a finishing touch. Formulated for a natural and long-lasting finish. Blends easily without streaking or caking.
Non Comedogenic
Dermatologist Tested
  • Use with a fluffy powder brush on your forehead, cheekbones and chin for a softly lit glow
  • Mix with your foundation for an-all over glow
Luscious Sparkling Face Shimmers are available in 5 shades: I OWN FAIRY DUST.

Luscious Sparkling Shimmer~ FAIRY DUST

Luscious Sparkling Shimmer~ FAIRY DUST

Luscious Sparkling Shimmer~ FAIRY DUST


The First thing one look is the really cute Box in which it is packed, these shimmers comes in Themed boxes, as mine is Fairy Dust, so the box has a beautiful picture of Castle Towers on it, gives me so of Disney feel. The jar is transparent, which gives it a Glass look but actually it is Plastic, with a Glassy- Silver Cap, one can see one's clear image in it. On the top of the Jar containing Loose shimmer powder there is a sifted lid in plastic making it easy/less mess to work with a Loose shimmer Powder.
Net wt 12g./0.42 oz

Luscious Sparkling Shimmer~ FAIRY DUST

Luscious Sparkling Shimmer~ FAIRY DUST
Luscious Sparkling Shimmer~ FAIRY DUST-I love this glassy silver lid

Luscious Sparkling Shimmer~ FAIRY DUST- Sifted plastic Lid. 
Luscious Sparkling Shimmer~ FAIRY DUST

Luscious Sparkling Shimmer~ FAIRY DUST- The Shimmer in close

Swatch- Blended from Top to Bottom- Flash Light

Swatch- Blended from Top to Bottom- closer in FlashLight

Swatch- Day Light

Swatch- Day Light closer look


I am not "shimmer shimmer all the way!" Type of person, specially in Summers as the sweat+oil=shine formula is so obvious on my face that I literally do not need any other highlighter to highlight this mess rather mesh on my face. Then why I bought this one? you all may ask. So dears as we all are well aware that Highlighting is the IN-Trend to attain that shimmery glow for face and body. But the TREND is not my only reason to have this, I Fell In Love With The Packaging of these Sparkling face Shimmers. When these shimmers were reviewed on some blogs before there launch I had already decided that I'll get few of them, if not all. In Ramazan offer I had a HAUL, and no doubt this shimmer was at the TOP of my Luscious wish-list besides that Signature lipstick. And I love to confess that I AM GLAD I BOUGHT IT. This is not only my first Shimmer/Highlighter but also my first Loose powder typo product too. I bought it in Summers so didn't use it much due to the Shine formula I described in the start, but as now the weather is inclined towards change I am using it like any thing, but being precise as shimmer/highlighter need allot of trick and practice to get it right or one can end up looking like a shimmer smashed faced...lolz!!! Now a days I am going "shimmer shimmer all the way!", thanks to Luscious for giving such a beauty to all of us fans.
FAIRY DUST is a silvery shimmer with peachy undertones, best for light to medium skin tone with a well pigmented shimmer in an awesome packaging in a good quantity with great quality product. A best choice for fair to medium Toned persons.  Details of product use are below under the light of my own experience and practice:
This Product is used in a FOTD here. Used in a Makeup Look HERE!!!


This is a tricky product being a loose shimmer powder so thought to share few Tips & Tricks:

Define your Highlighting areas: You must know which features you need to highlight on your face:
  • Cheek bone: Usually we highlight the upper part of cheek over and after the blush, if you have open pores on your cheeks avoid this area as it will make your facial pores look more obvious and bigger
  • Forehead/Over the brows: Please be soft and light handed in this area if you are not going to walk on the RAMP, you know what I mean. this area is usually un-defined just over the both brows blending into the forehead.
  • Cupid Bow/ Upper Lips: This is very tricky area and have to be well defined, use a precised small brush.
  • Nose Bridge: The best area for highlighting, but if you have a long or big or high peaked nose, please leave this area. If you are skipping contouring then only blend the highlighter with a precised small brush on to the bridge of the nose and here you go. Please keep your own feature in your mind.
  • Chin: Again if you have a peaked or longer or humping out chin leave this area as it doesn't need highlighting. If your chin need highlighting just dab the highlighter with a bigger brush once or twice this area also doesn't require precised or well defined highlighting.
  • Collar bones: To compliment a well highlighted face you can dab a little amount on the collar bones to complete the look.
The KEY is: Highlighter is used on the features and areas which you want to highlight and we do not need to highlight OUR TROUBLED AREAS, like pores, acne, pimples, marks and scars etc.
Blend blend and blend!!! is the key to have that perfect highlighting after you have defined your highlighting areas for a subtle look.

Loose Shimmer: This product is a little difficult for the beginners like me, but after practice I have short listed few Do's and Don't's:
  • Be soft handed
  • Use a big brush i.e blush, contouring brush for bigger areas
  • Use a smaller brush i.e highlighter, eye shader brush for areas where you need precised and well defined highlighting
  • Tap the jar to get the product on the top of the sifted lid, then dab your selected brush on to the loose shimmer, tap the brush on the lid, I tap it on the inner side of the silver cap so excess of the product goes off, then work on the area that require the highlight and the attention
  • Start from a little, you can always build up
  • This product stays longer on a well prep face base rather than a bare face
  • Maximum Staying time on bare face is 1-2 hrs, depending on the weather conditions
  • Maximum Staying time on the Prep base face is more than 4 hrs, again depending on the weather condition
  • Can be mixed up with a liquid i.e foundation, moisturizer and primer to make it work like a liquid highlighter, but I do not personally like that as that gives a well defined look, so only can be used on nose-bridge and Cupid-Bow etc.
TREND ALERT!!!On a dewy foundation it will give a very shimmery and glossy look which is going to be a very IN thing in these Winters
Practice and practice allot to own this products and to acquire your own personalized and stylized Highlighting this season!!!


  • it's the IN trend 
  • you love highlighting
  • you have no issue with loose powder shimmer
  • you love the packaging and the good quantity with great quality of this product
  • budget friendly
  • you just fall in love love with the themed boxes and the glassy silver packaging, LIKE  ME!


  • you are not comfortable with Loose powdery products
  • you have issue with it's staying time with or without the base
  • you do not love to highlight your feature...(That's an Impossible excuse this season)


 I am giving it 4.5/5. I am loving this product but admit that working with this loose shimmery powder will be difficult for beginners, not the experts, and I am still a LEARNER. I will recommend you all Highlighting freaks to give it a try. I will try there other shades esp Egyptian Bronze, as it's packaging is  the most seductive of all.


These Sparkling Face shimmers By Luscious are for 595 Pkr each. Available nation wide in the stores retailing Luscious, check in your nearest. You can get it online from Luscious website and get your loved products with free delivery. I got it through online shopping delivered to my door-step.
Join Luscious Facebook fanpage to stay updated.

The amount of words I have typed are still unable to describe my love for this beauty, Hope you all like the post and the product. Will wait for your feed-back, do comment, share, like, tweet and G+ this post to spread the love of Luscious Cosmetics.

Do you own any of these? Which one? I would love to know you experience.

Celebrate your Beauty!!!


NOTE: This is not a PR product/post.

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  1. i am not so into highlighter but it is looking and appealing me so much.. nice review

  2. ahhannnn great... must try these shimmers

  3. nice products ^^
    I love shimmer products and it look great products...I want to try it ^^

  4. I love the look of it! Will come in handy for the shaadi season. Great review :)

  5. great product great review.i like the tip on making it a liquid highlighter.<3

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. lovely packaging

  8. havent tried this yet but only because i dont like loose powder products too much. would love it if luscious bought this out in a pressed form! seems lovely


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