L'Oreal Paris Excellence Wild Ombre N-2~ Review, Tutorial, Before & After pictures

Thursday, July 03, 2014 Sparkling Palette Blog 12 Comments

Ombre Mania took over the beauty world very quickly. Its been two months I am flaunting my Wild ombre, thanks to L'Oreal Paris Ombre kit. Read More to Reveal More!!!
Shade # N-2 For Dark Blonde top Brown.

L'Oreal Paris Wild Ombre N-2
L'Oreal Paris Wild Ombre N-2
L'Oreal Paris Wild Ombre N-2

L'Oreal Paris Wild Ombre N-2 Kit
The Expert Brush for (not-so) easy application
The kit contains:
  • 1 tube of lightening cream
  • 1 application bottle of developing cream
  • 1 bleaching powder sachet
  • 1 conditioning shampoo
  • 1 Expert Brush
  • Pair of gloves (black)
  • Manual guide
Extra helping assistants:
  • Rubber bands
  • Tiny clips
  • Tail comb

Extra helping assistants
  • First and foremost read the manual, each and every word (no its not that scary or difficult but still!)
  • Wear an old shirt (preferred if it has collars to secure your neck)
  • Add the Sachet #1 in the bottle #2, mix well (open the cap to relief the pressure)
  • Add Tube #3 in to the mixture of bottle, shake well. Its ready for use
Few tricks I learned from a fellow blogger Natasah.
Divide hair in two sections- pony-tail
  • Divide your hair in two section and tie with a rubber bands, now you have two pony-tails
  • Clip your front puff with a small clip (I wanted the ombre in my puff too- not necessary)
  • Now apply the dye mixture on your hair, I applied directly from the nozzle of the bottle the brush seemed pretty useless to me
  • The rubber bands actually give you a guide-LINE of till where to apply the dye mixture
  • Leave for the given time. As I want a mild ombre, not the sharp contrast like, I washed 10 minutes earlier
  • Wash the dye off, and then wash with the given conditioning shampoo
  • Now dab allot of your trusted hair mask on your treated hair/all over, leave for 3-5 minutes, and wash off
  • Voila! Wild Ombre is home!


Still wet hair
The Wild Ombre tips

Before and after L'Oreal Wild Ombre

Wild Ombre (in sunlight through tinted glass)


Well I am not late on the "band wagon"- just late in reviewing it... but better late than never. I loved the whole experience of having ombre-hair-at-home. I love D.I.Yz. I chose not to have a stark color contrast in my hair, so I had a mild one (washed it a little early) sort of a personal preference. So it toned down my hair and gave a shade of more Golden-brown/Camel Blonde** than the stark blonde shown on the box. I liked it this way. The application was easy, did not like the "expert-brush". The conditioning shampoo is good and will be good for 2-3 uses. The application of my trusted Hair Mask really helped me allot in minimizing the effect of dye/bleach (as the purpose is to tone down the hair shade). I took proper care of my hair after having the Ombre, washed with my regular shampoo, but used a trusted conditioner and hair-mask regularly. The ombre survived in my hair till date, only yesterday I dyed my hair again, the review will be up soon, but for daily updates follow me on my Instagaram @HUDASPARKLING. This kit is perfect, a thoughtful product launched by L'Oreal Paris.

The kit is available for Pkr 1200/- nation wide. For further details join L'Oreal Paris Pakistan on Facebook.

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Love & Respect.


NOTE: This post may contain a PR post/product, my review and opinion is 100% honest with my readers. SMB does not intend to tempt the readers to purchase any product, this is just sharing of personal experience for guideline and to provide an idea about the product and it's use. For details read the SMB POLICY HERE
The shade and experience may vary from person to person according to hair colour and type**

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