Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Sparkling Palette Blog 5 Comments

Hey makeup lovers!!!
Hope You all be fine:)
Since I posted up my latest Haul every one was coming up with the comment to review Rivaj UK's eyeshadow primer, so I thought why not. So lets have my review about this product without any delay:)
But first let me tell you all one truth, that I never used an eyeshadow primer before, so have no comparisons in my head and hand:) So what made me buy one?(you'll ask) I read many reviews and saw many EOTD's by famous beauty bloggers and the primer product for the look was always some eyeshadow primer. As I have small eyes PLUS oily skin my eye makeup ends in creasing and many reviews convinced me to ADD an eyeshadow primer in my Eye makeup ritual. When I visited my cosmetics shopping Haven "AL-Fatah" I had a list of few essentials in my hand, one of which was a primer. The reviews I read were all about expensive (no matter how effective) Brand's primers, I asked the sales man about the best available eyeshadow primer, the thre options he gave to me are:

  1. MAC PKR 2500
  2. Artdeco PKR 550
  3. Rivaj UK PKR 175
As MAC was really out of my range as being naive to this products usage its not advisable to jump so high, and if I had to buy some thing so expensive then why not Urban Decay which is for PKR 2000 or around, artdeco was out of question as I read a review stating that it stings, no no dear no risk in that as my skin is senstive and eyes are far more senstive then that...I was left with Rivaj Uk which was small and just for PKR 175:) 
Have A look!!!
RivajUK eyeshadow primer

the cap

The inscription:)

Rivaj UK eyeshadow primer:
The Color Art

  • Professional makeup artist
  • Eyeshadow base
  • Quick eyeshadow sealer

Before I share my experience with you lets have a look at the wand: which is cute, small, soft and white:)

The wand

The texture of this primer is milky, gluey(not sticky) and white, but after drying on the skin its TRANSPARENT absolutely. Have a look at the drop of it!!!

Now come the trial time:) I spread it on my hand for the test:)

dropling of the primer

spreaded primer with the wand
As this is the first time I am using an eyeshadow primer I have no prior experience about such products, and that is going to help me be a good judge and also a critic of this product:) I opened the seal and applied a little amount on my hand the texture of this primer is good, soft, light and not sticky at all:) Before drying you can see a feel and see a gluey substance on the hand but after drying no one can say that some thing was there, it vanishes as water vanishes away:) But it really made a difference in your eyeshadows application and eye makeup longevity. The soft small wand help allot in the application esp for my small eyes:) and its small size help you to control its application:) (so many smiles in every sentence shows my love for this product:))
Few things to remember when using this eyeshadow primer:

  • The thinner and lesser you apply the greater the results are, as if your application is thick then you cannot complain for its being sticky;)
  • When applying on eyes give the thin layer time to dry don't open eyes or may be your creases will be sticky
  • If its not drying up then you can fan it with a paper or ask some one to help:) but don't worry it will take fewer seconds only provided IF THE APPLICATION IS NOT THICK
I recommend this product because:
  • Its easily affordable esp for the new makeup lovers:)
  • Its application is easy
  • Its result are professional
  • Its packaging is nice
  • No smell or fragrance
  • Not gluey
  • Not sticky
  • Easily removable with water or cleanser or wipes:)
  • No itching
  • No creasing
  • Its transparent
  • It enhances the shade and color of the eyshadow
  • It provide longevity to you eye makeup:)
May be You wont like it:
  • If you are brand conscious
  • You have tried some expesive and big brand earlier
  • You apply a thick  layer and complains for it being sticky and gluey
Here is the swatch of an eyeshadow with and without the Rivaj UK eyshadow primer

on right side the shade is without primer and in left it is on the primer:)

 On the right hand side the eyeshadow is without primer and you can see its dull powdery. But on the left hand side the eyeshadow is applied on the primer of Rivaj Uk the result is clear the shade is prominent, and its grace and texture is enhanced and the shimmer is more visible:)

Hope you all like my review about this affordable but professional Eyeshadow primer by Rivaj Uk. Do comment to show you likeness or any query.
Which Primer do you use?

Until next time take good care of your selves and your loved ones:) Love makeup and stay beautiful as you all are.
remember me in your prayers:)


Note: This product is my own purchase and not a PR sample:)

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  1. thank you so much for detailed review... will give it a try soon...currently i m using my MUA primer and like how wonderful it works

    1. Thanx dear from where u got MUA primer...n how much, have u reviewed it..share teh ;link:)

  2. thanks for sharing with us :) xx

  3. I was ebating on whether getting an elf or mua primer, now I have this on my watch list as well! More options means more fun!!!


Hay you makeup lovers all your comments are most welcome and cherished!!! so comment & make my day:)
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