Color Studio Pro Nail color & Sweet touch Nail color swatches, my NAIL-COLOUR-OLOGY

Saturday, July 28, 2012 Sparkling Palette Blog 19 Comments

Hey MakeupLovers!!!
Last night I have been out shopping definitely for up-coming EID. No no I am not going to share any haul:) Today I will share my experience regarding two nail brands, which I swatched from Hayee's at Jinnah Super F-7 Islamabad. So wanna know my first impression... READ MORE!!!

Now a days I am badly short of nail colors only three are left in my stash, will soon share with you all the shades, so I am hunting new shades and new colors. But when it comes to Nail colors I am a very particular in my choice as I don't like NEON's (particularly as they have no acceptability in the people I move in:/) bold colours have the same issue, but occasionally I carry REDs, and Black too, never tried blue's and green's yet, silvery shades make my hands look by now you must have known that I am a sucker when it comes to choosing nail colours.
To tell you about my passion for nail colours Nail colour were my first love in the makeup products. I used to spend all my pocket money on nail polishes, I remeber i got 150 PKR for my monthly pocket money when I was in matric, i used to buy two nail polishes from SPECTACULAR, each 75 PKR :p Any one remeber this brand name? It was the one which introduced quality nail colors with wider range. I don't know where this brand is gone and why? My favourites were Gold Dust, Metallic Iron?, Black and First Kiss.
Hope you all are not bored by all this bragging:p
Last night we were out to get dresses for my little princess, and I requested my husband to take mo to the cosmetics shop Hayee's, it was there older shop as now they have a bigger store in the same market.
I wanted to try Color Studio Pro nail colors as an online store has an offer to buy 3 get 1 free, TEMTING NA!!!! but a person like me how can I buy nail colour without trying them actually on my own nails to see that do they look OKEY on my hands or NO. Yup! this was only to try them NOT TO BUY THEM, they had limited shades but I found the ones I was interested in LATTE, JADE, COSMO, MALIBU and DANCING QUEEN, although they didn't have Star struck and OMG etc, But with swatching these 5 on my one hand gave me a very good idea of this brands nail colour according to my nail-color-ology new term...lolz... so proud to introduce this to you all. The cost range is from 250 -350 PKR
The other brand which I tried is my all time favourite Sweet Touch, when I dont get anything right I find this brand on my rescue, and its not heavy on my pocket as well. Have good color range, atleast they try to give a wide range for choice, now it is 120 PKR. But over all it is my most trusted Nail color brand.
Now have a look at my swatch frenzy:)
Color Studio frm L2 R Latte Jade Malibu Dancing Queen & Cosmo

Sweet Touch L2R Classic Move Pink? Peanut and Electric Blue
These swatches made me remember my college days when I used to apply different nail colours on each nail, sometimes from my own stash or some time while trying from the shop, and posed as if I am making a fashion statement and I did, wonder if nail art was IN in those time I would have been the craziest nail artist :p

I have read many good reviews about Color Studio Pro(CSP) nail colours, and saw few pictures rather perfect pictures of the swatches but I am afraid to tell that I have mixed views about this brand, I know the colours need atleast two coats to develop but as the shop has no testers so they allowed me only one coat for testing, and for this I am thankful to them. For an amount of Pkr 250 to 350 they are OKEY nothing Celestial about them. I agree they have come up with the widest range in nail colors and deal with the choice of all age groups. But I am only little impressed, in the light of my NAIL-COLOUR-OLOGY. I only liked Cosmo(little finger) and Dancing queen(ring finger),both have pink under tones. Cosmo is like moonlight and I am impressed as it gave me a very shiny coloured nails in one coat only and then it did not make my finger look dark will buy it. Dancing queen is like Mink from sweet touch range but have a pale dead pink undertone, Mink had a copper undertone. This too gave me a good colour in single coat. Latte(thumb) is a good soft coffee type shade with pinkish undertones but the same shade is available in Sweet Touch named CAFE(UPDATE CAFE is more like CSP's MOCHA not Latte, as I swatched it now). Jade(index finger) was hopeless in single coat the shade is very beautiful Peacock green in the bottle and even in the pictures but in the first swatch it failed badly its full of sparkles and streaked, I had great doubts that it will be troublesome during removing but it impressed  me there one dab of cotton drenched in remover and its gone, wheeuufff!!!. Malibu(middle finger) is an egg yolkish orange, which streaked and on drying it appeared as if I was applying poster paint, there was a time in my fine-arts days when I applied poster paint or coloured marker and then the top coat and then posed my nails to envy the girls around me. Nail colour were my first love in the makeup products I told you. So Malibu is a NO as well:/ wish they had more colours to try from, there for I applied Sweet touch on my other hand's nails:) Overall I am impressed by the quality of Colour Studio nail colors and will try some soon.
Sweet touch, as I told you is my trusted brand for nail colors and lipsticks as well. I tried Electric blue on my thumb, I am not much into these kinda shades as after sometime they make my hands look like the hands of a motor mechanic,lolz,(I had some bad description in my mind just changed it to sound decent as I know many of you out there love such shades:)) On my Index finger it is Peanut, this shade has visited my stash three time already, just swatched it to know if it is still the same..lolz its pur shimmer in dull tone. This PINK had a nice name which I forgot so just pink on my middle finger, It impressed me as it looked fab even after 24 hrs my hands looked decent and yet trendy will buy it next time. My ring finger has Classic Move its a type of brown mauvish pinkish shade, I bought it as it seemed new and different to me so will review the shade soon. this was for PKR 120 so not much heavy on my pocket:)
So hope you like my review about my first impressions on these two brands nail colours? do share, like and tweet this post and don't forget  to comment and make my day.

Remember me in your prayers!!!


Note: No PR sample in this post:)

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  1. Hey, I am a big fan of nail polishes too, i have got several in my drawers and some are got wasted too .. Now i have limit to buy them and use them that i buy so that they are not wasted, still i buy so many :P I like your review, and specially like the line when you say you buy when your were in matric, i too buy several when i was in matric and use them on weekends, lolz crazy moments :)

    1. good to know you share my love for nail colours too:) Crazy are WE!!!!lolz

  2. Good review:-)
    always enjoy yr reviews

  3. Consistency is looking thin to me so it will be easy to remove :) sweet touch nail lacquers are inexpensive and thanks for sharing all this it was really fun to read all your writings

    hugs & Kisses

    1. Thanx dear, they are all single coats hun! hugs to u too<3

  4. Aaah... brought back some good memories, First Kiss was my most favorite Nail Polish:)))... Like dancing queen and cosmo... can't really see peanut,it's too sheer.

    1. yup u r right those were so crazy times when we were fasinated by only the name...FIRST KISS.. many girls didn't buy this shade as how will they ask the shopkeeper to give First kiss lolz...I used to buy it by telling its number which I forgot now:)

  5. Colors are nice but consistency of these polishes are looking very thin.

    1. yup ur rite may be they are only single coat na as i mentioned:)

  6. A good comparison! thanks for sharing girl! :)

  7. Electric blue is my favourite. :D

  8. This was a really fun read! Love the comparison!

  9. yes,i also used to buy Spectacular nail colors worth Rs.75 and first kiss, metallic iron and mink were my fav.ones !

  10. yup it was Metallic iron I loved it thanx for reminding me the name:)

  11. I have the exact same nail colour ology as yours.. really enjoyed reading your review.. Actually you saved me from buying one nailpolish for RS250. I bought two instead, sweet touch cafe and sparkle.. will write about it! I've recently started blogging, plz do check it out.

    1. hey good to know u share my nail-colour-ology:) ill check ur blog hope u following mine:)
      best of luck with blogging


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