NOTD "Classic Move" by Sweet Touch

Saturday, August 11, 2012 Sparkling Palette Blog 11 Comments

Hey Makeup Lovers!!!
As I am updating my stash, so I noticed that I am running out of my nail polishes, only three are left one is red, one black and one is cafe all three from Sweet Touch will review soon. So during my latest visits in the cosmetics shop I managed to get few nail color each time. You can check my latest Hauls HERE & HERE too.

Nail art is in fashion and I can see all girls going crazy for this. I was once crazy colouring my nails in many colours on the same nail or every nail with different shade, but now due to my home chores I feel safe sticking to single colour on my nails. Pretty safe and decent. Safe: as no worries of wasting all the artistry washing dishes and doing laundary, Decent: being an Officer's Lady wife its too loud to be carried out.
Have a look on the shade with swatches on the nail:)

Note: This is going to be a quick review due to short time, unusual to my style of writing.

First of all the name of this shade is "Classic Move", I don't know why but still I call it "Classic Mauve", actually that name would have suited it well, but no claims; as the company has all the rights to name there shades whatever they like.(But still I have to look again and again on the picture to write the name correct as for me it's Classic Mauve ;))
 This shade is a mauvish-BROWN (with a hint of Maroon),I must say it's a Beautiful shade. Caught my attention in the first swatch as I was looking for a different shade this time, read my nail-colour-ology HERE. It's this shade's first time in my stash. It's shimmery and in single coat its sheer and opaque if you apply two or more coats of the nail colour on your nails. Well! the choice is yours own. It's really very shiny don't think that I am applying any TOP-Coat over it.
Sweet Touch has always been my favorite brand for nail colours esp, there lipsticks are good as well, have few: will review them soon. Before this I was crazy after Spectacular a brand which "Came, Conquered and then Vanished", sad though. I am not really a person who could spend a thousand Rupees note on a single nail colour. So Sweet Touch is my budget friendly brand which is not sticking to the basics only. Every time I visit there nail color display I find new and up-dated shades. I must say they are giving quality in a very good price. There nail colours never disappointed me. They stay for a reasonable time if you are not much into home-chores like washing dishes and doing laundry etc. They are a steal for the price tried many shades from there range i.e Fuschia, Cafe, Red Lips, Black, Mink, Gold dust?, Peanut, Sweet onion? and a pale pink I forgot name, to name a few that are my favourite too. I will try to do a post on how to apply nail colours without messing much.

Which Nail colour is your all time favourite? By which Brand?
Which nail colour you chose for upcoming Eid (Islamic festival after a month of fasting)?

If you like the shade and this really quick post, as I am a person who cannot talk and write in short...lolz, Do comment, like, tweet and share.

Remember me in your prayers.
Love You all<3


Note: This Post has no PR product in it.

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  1. I have a ton of different Sweet Touch nail polishes, they are soo reasonable, easily available and stay on for days! Love this color :)

  2. Replies
    1. thanx dear that'sencouraging...coming from an ace Beuaty blogger like you:)

  3. I am telling you girl it is really an amazing color... you made my day :)

    1. Dear its for u esp<3 good to know u l;oved it and I made ur day:)

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) Nice colour, safe for work and very unique shade, love it!

  5. nice post.i love sweet touch.variety with affordability.

    I like your blog.I have following you silently for some i am following publicly.
    I also reviewed a sweet touch nail polish recently.visit my blog.join if u like.will make me happy if u follow back.

  6. nice post.I am a huge sweet touch fan.
    I like your blog.I have been following silently for some time now i am following publicly.
    i have also reviewed sweet touch nail color in powder pink.

    do visit my blog.join if u will make me happy if you follow me back.

    1. Dear Thanx for stopping by and following:) Following u now:)


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