Blog Series: Revealing my Golden Rose Lipsticks #103, 118 & 141 ~Review and Swatches

Thursday, September 13, 2012 Sparkling Palette Blog 14 Comments

Hey Lipstick Lovers!!!
As I have started a blog series revealing my Lipstick Collection and You must have seen the intro, if not then Click HERE!.
Well choosing this topic was much easier then choosing which brand to start with. I simply closed my eyes and just thought about my favorite rather most favorite brand among my lipstick collection so answer was clear... "Golden Rose". I have three shades right now present in my collection, which ones? To Know more Read More:

Well I dont want you to wait more as there is allot to share about these lipsticks and there each unique shade in my collection:)

So I have 103, 118 and 141 each shade different than other and unique in its own. I also had a maroonish red in matte but gave that to my mom as I am not into Reds these days.
Before I Review each shade individually let me share my experience with the lispticks of this brand:)

As every normal college girl living in Pakistan, I started my Lipstick collection with Medora and some other cheap priced Lipsticks like Christine and Jordan??? available at local cosmetics stores easily. When I started earning I was able to afford a lip shade of better brands having wider shade range and this time I bought 103 from Golden Rose and let me confess, it Conquered me. These lispticks have a wide range including creamy,shimmery and matte shades. The best part is that they are easily available in local Cosmetic store. They are not that pricey, I reall don't remember as it's a long time I bought one but the Price must be around 400 PKR? (i'll update after confirmation). Due to wide range one can easily find shade according to personal choice and Trends that is IN. I am really satisfied with this brand as it delivers the best color result with good texture and a reasonable staying power in such an affordable price. I am totally in love with these Lipsticks and will try the other shades in it as well but must tell you something about these: They really do have a Long Life even if you suck it they wont hit the bottom. I am using these almost since two years.... So! It's a YES for me. Now the detailed review of the three shades I have:)

Golden Rose shade # 103:

Golden Rose #103

Golden Rose #103

So here is my Favourite shade 103 its the only cream lipstick I have. I am not a fan of bare/nude lip shades but when I need one this shade serves my requirment very well. It is a creamy pale nude pink. I love it! I love it! I love it! You can see that I am hitting the bottom soon but no worries I will buy it gain as it is the fourth time I am having this Shade in my collection and as I told you these lipsticks have a LONG LIFE they will serve you more than a year even if you suck it, my experience says so. It's a beautiful shade can be equally worn in Summers and Winters. With light eye makeup or even with dark eyes. If you don't trust me buy one and then experience the wonder your self:)

Golden Rose shade # 141:

Golden Rose #141

Swatches @ back of hand #141

Golden Rose # 141
This Lipstick shade is a bit different than #103 although same creamy formula but it is a softest pink with the hint of mauve in it. I usually wear it for night time esp with dark eyes, or shimmery ones. I personally don't like this shade for day time, as it stands out and makes the rest of my face odd in the sunny time. It has hints of shimmer in it but not that prominent, may be the cream is so shiny that after applying you don't need a gloss to make it shine. The people who love such sort of different shades will love this and must give it a try. When I do smokey eyes this shade is my only choice to go with it:)

Golden Rose shade # 118:
Golden Rose #118

Swatches on hands

This is a shimmery Brown, I am not sure to call it a mink or not. It is totally a party colour. I avoid using it daily bases. It goes well with party shimmery eyes and compliments golden dress and golden look. It can be worn with a bronzed face to have all that dusty look or can be used with a little technique to create a Gold in the desert look. This shade is taken by my mom so can't swatch it onmy lips....lolz...nice things have to go!!! I don't know why?


I'll definitely give Golden Rose brand's lipstick 5/5 for it's all in all excellent performance from wider range to good quality in affordable prices.

This is all for now but as you all know this is not the end as the Blog series is ON so stay tuned for more of my lipstick collection to be revealed.

Do you own Golden Rose lipsticks any favourites or any comparisons?
Feel free to share and do like, share, tweet and G+ this post to spread the love of lipsticks among all the lipstick lovers:)<3

Remember me in your prayers.


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  1. i love it ! i just love the first two ! want to grab them...but from where?

    1. well for availabilty you have to check on cosmetic stores near you in Pakistan It is available in Cosmetic store in big cities they do for sure:) thnx for loving it<3

  2. oay yaar you have amazing lips and 103 is my kind of color loving your swatches and which lip liner did you use for this. I am so loving this yaar keep the good work up

    hugs and kisses

    1. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm as far as I remeber i am not using any lip mostly I DON'T so colours are as they are..and kisse for u from the same lips u praised:)<3

  3. im loving the first two shades on you! <3

  4. thank you for doing this series! im getting to know about soo many budget friendly lipstick brands that are easily available in pakistan! as a lipstick lover i want them all haha

    1. Thanx allot for appreciating my work and this series reall glad that u like it:)

  5. These shades flatter you a lot! GREAT picks I must say <3


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