HAUL!!! I couldn't resist the temptation:p

Monday, October 08, 2012 Sparkling Palette Blog 12 Comments

Hey Makeup Lovers!!!
There are times when one really can't stop the temptation, I cant resist the craving for makeup. It happened again This month I had a Skin care HAUL and here I am shopping cosmetics again. So October,12', had a cosmetics Haul too. To Know more READ MORE!!!

Cosmetics Haul, 6-10-12

I was planning to have many essential makeup products recently. Foundation was on the top of my list. Last time when I went to cosmetics shop I finalized Maybelline Fit Me, assumed that it's price is 750 Pkr as the sales girl told me at D.watson F-10, Islamabad. After facebook discussion with my lovely friends I finalized few of the foundations for upcoming dry weather, but short listed it to Color Studio Pro's Pro luminous foundation. I requested my hubby to take me to Shaheen Cosmetics, Blue Area, Islamabad, they had the counter for essence but no counter for Color Studio and Maybelline. I went to D. Watson which is the next shop, there cosmetics are in the "basement", whereas Shaheen's cosmetics are "upstairs": I find this funny! Here I asked the sales girl to take out Maybelline Fit ME, #115 matched me, Thank goodness I asked for the price, she said to my shock 1500 Pkr (I had in mind 750/- only o-0). I dropped it from my list, straight went to Color Studio counter and got one in Ivory, asked for the white Kohl pencil named Jasmine, tested it and got it too, thanks to Sahrish Adeel for recommendation. I saw the Essence counter couldn't resist my self and asked her to show me the translucent loose powder. You know the sales girls here: she said I must try one from Artdeco, she showed me two shimmery. I cleared that I want MATTE. She showed me two more one was in skin tone and other in pinkish, cost 750 each. I dropped them and told her strictly to give me Essence one. Now I firmly stood at Essence counter, I have a plan to have a massive haul from them, but got few essential things just to start with. I selected Mascara and an Smokey Eyeshadow brush. I had a plan to shop for maximum 1500 Pkr but I ended up shopping for 2640 Pkr. As I had a plan to have two foundations, Sana Sadiq, you tempted me on this;) and I love you. So got a foundation from Essence. The detail reviews of these products will be posted soon. Do check what I got and for how much?:

  1. Essence: fix & matte Translucent loose powder: Pkr 540
  2. Essence: Smokey Eyes Brush: Pkr 200
  3. Essence: Soft & Natural Makeup Foundation in Sand beige 02: Pkr 510
  4. Essence: Multi Action Mascara: Pkr 390.
  5. Color Studio: Pro Luminous Foundation in Ivory 104: Pkr 750
  6. Color Studio: Soft Kohl Kajal in Jasmine: Pkr 250
I spent total of Pkr 2640 out of my savings, litrelly exhausting them... Still I have plans to have a massive haul from MUA though just4girls.

How you liked my haul? Did you get tempted too?

Remeber me in your prayers.


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  1. Hahah!!! Lovely haul lady I want to see the reviews for Fix & Matte Translucent Powder , Liquid Foundation & A Mascara... Love you too <3 xx

  2. At least Essence products are affordable :) I've heard good things about their mascara, though I've never tried it or their face base products.

    1. Yup U r right it is affordable I wish if this brand was launched in my Uni days:)

  3. omgggg i'm just like you! i always blow my budget when i go makeup shopping haha. i'd love to know about the eyeshadow brush by essence, i dont need anymore makeup but i definitely need to get my hands on a few brushes :)

  4. Wow nice stuff,, Color studio Kohal pencil is worth buying i am using it its excellent <3

  5. Waitin eagerly for your review on the CSP foundation and essence loose powder!

  6. yar do show us the swatches as well n close up pics of each product tht would b more informative then :)

  7. alaa stuff but it would have been more helpful if u would have showed us the swatches n close ups of each product :)

  8. so u got the essence foundation :-) love ur haul.i always go out of budget when shopping for beauty products ^_^
    love the haul

  9. Wow... and yeah, every girl's problem,blowing the budget,lol... at one point i stopped carrying cash and guess what I mis/over-used my credit card! these days I'm on strict no "makeup buys" regime:)


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