NOTD~ " My Green Graden" Sweet Touch Sea Green & Flag Green Nail polish, swatches & Nail Art!!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Sparkling Palette Blog 26 Comments

Hey Nail Art Lovers!!!
My last post was about FOTD, EOTD and LOTD, click here, so thought to treat you all with my latest Nail Art in NOTD post. Have a look at "My Green Garden" Nail Art. Hope You enjoy the treat. To Know More Read More!!!

Sweet Touch "Sea Green" & "Flag Green":

Sea Green is a very light shimmery shade, to achieve the shade on your nail you have to apply 3-4 coats, it is lovely in single coat also as it give a light mermaid shade to the nails. If applied on any darker base coat it adds a marvelous shimmer to the matte shade, see Nail Art #5.
Flag green is a dark green shade, a very patriotic shade I must say, good even in single coat and two coats gives exact shade, good for nail art.
Both shades cost me Pkr 135/- each from Al-Fatah, Islamabad official display counter of Sweet Touch Cosmetics.
Sweet Touch "Sea Green" & "Flag Green"
Sweet Touch "Sea Green" Swatch 3-4 coats
Sweet Touch "Sea Green"
Sweet Touch "Flag Green"

On the base of all I applied the Sea Green and did the rest of nail art with the Flag Green mainly . Rain Forest (light green), Hot Orange(matte orange) and Black Queen (black) is also used.

1. Blossoming Garden
Theme: Blossoming Garden.
Base: Sea Green.
Dots: Flag Green, Hot Orange & Rain Forest

2. Spring's first flower
Theme: Spring's First Flower
Base: Sea Green
Flower: Hot Orange  & leaves: Flag Green, lining Black Queen

3. Green Lady Bug
Theme: Green Lady Bug
Base: Sea Green
Top base: Flag Green & Dots: Rain Forest

4. Garden Tribe
Theme: Garden Tribe
Base: Sea Green & Flag Green
Design: Black Queen & Dots: Rain Forest

5. Peacock
Theme: Peacock
Base: Flag Green
Top coat: Sea Green

Hope you like my Nail Art. Do share your views, comment, share, like, tweet, G+ and Pin IT.
Do follow me on Blog Lovin now.

Do visit Facebook fanpages of Sweet Touch cosmetics Pakistan they have a wonderful range of Nail colours and other cosmetics.

To read my other posts on NAIL ART click the link.
To read my other posts on NOTD'z click the link.

Are you crazy for Nail Art? I am truly deeply madly into Nail Art:) 
Which one of the five lovely mani-painting do you like?

Stay blessed.
Remember me in your prayers.
Love & Respect.


Note: This is not a PR post/product. Although I wish to have a thousand Nail Polishes as PR...lolz :p

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  1. Love all but the green lady bug is little untidy. You know I am not into nail colors... as I am a nail bitter =(

    1. Thanks, I am still in my learning phase of Nail Art and my nail biting phase is long gone :p lolz

  2. Love it :D I may just invest in some Sweet Touch nail polishes, have to keep resisting :P

    1. They are such a love for the price one almost finds all shades of choice from sobre to funky neons to Hot in the range... Thanks!!!

  3. love are so good in nail art huda.....

  4. The green lady bug is awww cute Huda! That one is my favourite, love how you have a different theme for each of your nail! Lovely <3 xx

    1. Thank you for ur lovely words dear means allot encourages allot, still learning soon I will be creating flawless master pieces IA <3

  5. Super lovely Nail art, i am not into, but whenever i apply any nail color i must do some nail art wid it... <3

  6. Awesome NOTD...I especially loved your lady bug & the spring flower nail art...You're very talented! :)

  7. hey! these really look great! well done you! :)

  8. though im not a fan of green colour but those flower is so pretty!!

  9. wow i love the creative nail art.the names of ur mani.just how on earth did u think of them love em all esp summer's first fav has to be sea green.I have this color in medora and loveeee it. great post as always <3 xoxo

    1. U are a love honey thank u for being always such a Love <3 Stay Blessed

  10. Love it, Very pretty..
    xoxo <3

  11. Its just amazing You did a grt job plz post tutorial on it i m loving dis <3 it


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