Barbie Puffy 3 tones Grey Lens from Uniqso

Monday, September 16, 2013 Sparkling Palette Blog 13 Comments

Grey lenses are believed to make your eyes look bigger and brighter, I trust this myth. I own Barbie Puffy 3 Tones lenses from they make my eyes look bigger brighter and yes suites me too.
To Reveal More

Big Eyes Circle Lenses I Big Eye Color Contacts

Big eye circle lenses and big eye contact lenses come in various colors, patterns and designs. From natural big eye circle lenses to circle lenses based on fiction character you may alter the way your eyes look according to your own style and taste. Below is the breakdown of our big eye circle lenses according to water content, color, diameter, designs and brands. Cheap Toric contact lenses are also available in stunning designs.

Though big eye circle lenses do not need any prescription they are available in prescription too. Big eye lensesdo not only cover the iris of the eye but the outer limbal ring extends a bit more making eyes look bigger and adorable. Traditionally circle lenses are same in size as of the size of human eye that is 14mm; but big eye circle lenses that are15-16mm are now high in demand. Some big eye lenses are not more than 14mm diameter but appear to make your eyes amplified. Such circle lenses have a solid outer limbal ring that creates big eye effect. These are often regarded as “Natural Big Eye Circle Lenses”. Other than natural big eye circle lenses; there are extra big eye circle lenses that boast a diameter of 16+mm. These extra big eye circle lenses are ultimate favorites of Kawaii, Gyarus and Ulzaangs.
I stumbled upon uniqso's circle lens library and i found an article worth sharing. If you are new to circle lenses and they are a bit uncomfortable then find out how you can deal with uncomfortable circle lenses

Barbie Puffy 3 Tones Grey Lens:

Barbie Puffy 3 tones Grey Lens
The cute packaging:)
Barbie Puffy 3 tones Grey Lens

Eye without Lens
Eye with Barbie Puffy 3 Tones Lens Grey
Eyes with Barbie Puffy 3 Tones Lens Grey
Used in a Peacock inspired look
Right Eye with Lens
Left Eye with Lens
The Peacock Inspired Look


I have brown eyes, and I love wearing coloured lens too. Uniqso's lens promises to make eyes look bigger, I ordered the Grey one and yes I am satisfied with how they make my eyes look, you can see in the pictures above. Only one things irks me and that is, when applied for few second it makes me cry tears, it irritates I dont know why, but after tear-shedding I am just normal, no irritation or any thing, you can see in the picture no redness is there in my eyes. May be this is a little thicker to my other lens... well can't figure out but love these so much and used them in my recent Peacock inspired makeup look HERE!!!

  • You Love wearing contact lens
  • You like 3 tones lens
  • You want to create a BIG look for your eyes
  • You don't wear lens
  • You are afraid of irritation and sensitivity 



Available on HERE!!! for $17.90. They ship world wide for more updates and promotions join them on Facebook HERE!!!

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Love & Respect.


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  1. i only saw the photos(cant read text :P ).You look so cute with these.I think brown ones suit your better for a natural look and these are great for formal occasions.Lovely.I was seriously thinking of getting one pair for me.

  2. I never tried colored lenses cox i never liked them but this is indeed worth looking..

    Nida's Beauty Bag!!

  3. Am such a big fan of big eye lences. Nice review c

  4. Looks like it's time for me to get them,lovely review your looking super gorgeous xx

  5. great review. these lenses suits u alot. i always loved grey 3 toned .... <3

  6. grey lens compliment your skin tones well:)

  7. Awesome lenses and makeup look. You look gorgeous ^_^
    grey never suits me; though i have wheatish skin tone but i think grey looks awesome on fair skin tones.

    Uniqso is a lovely place to buy from. I have more than 5 pairs from uniqso :)

  8. Wow Nice post, your blog post is amazing !

    I accidentally drop by your blog uninvited and found your interesting blog . The layout of your blog and information is wonderful.

    I really enjoy browsing your blog.

    Your blog post is mostly about Fashion and beauty stuff.

    If you need additional beauty ideas that enhance your eyes, making them brilliantly bright and beautiful, you may want to check out for more exciting brand colored circle lenses.

    Enjoy and stay pretty :)



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