Hair-Cut and the Best Experience at L'atelier, Designer studio and Salon, Islamabad

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 Sparkling Palette Blog 5 Comments

Are you in search of a good salon where you can have the cut according to your wish? I had found one in Islamabad. So how was my Hair-Cut experience with L'atelier? To Reveal More Read More!!!


L'atelier Salon
The princess Mirror
Products on the table
MY HAIR CUT 1,2,3:

getting ready
Hair divided into sections
Cut is done!
Blow Dry
Blow dry inward
Before and After
The Final CUT and LOOK


Well without bragging about how I can never be satisfied about my hair-cut, and that too, due to lack of a good Hair dresser, let me start with my recent experience. I Went to L'atelier situated in F-8, Islamabad, with an appointment for a Hair-cut. I really love the ambiance of this place. At reception I was asked to follow the foot-prints on the wooden floor which took me upstairs where the Salon was. The big Halls, downstairs and the halls upstairs are designer studio where the designer's collection of clothing and jewelry are displayed and they are having SALE on most of Summer stuff, pictures below in this post. Without indulging my self into the beautiful designer-wear, I quickly went into the Salon. Greeted by two girls Saima and Mona, both in neat and clean uniform and simple smiling faces. Saima was the one who gave me the hair-cut. She asked me What I wanted? (well wow that's what I liked the most, she will give me a hair-cut as I want it). I told her "What I want" no decrease in length, steps on the back side, layers in the front and a decent puff... (I guess I am not too much demanding :p) The show started and the scissors went crunching, munching, cutting and chopping all around my hair (I hope that doesn't sound horror-movie-like), and yes I was taking pictures all along. Saima is the first Hair-dresser I have ever met in my life who made me feel good about my hair: I started with my usual complain that my hair are weak, doesn't grow, curly/wavy etc. etc, she replied with a smile that my hair texture is thin but my hair are not weak, and that I have beautiful hair which can be styled either way, curly, wavy or straight :D She also guided me how to style my hair at home or for any formal occasion. The cut was done, hmm I could see no difference in the length as I wanted, my "cut-only-half-inch" instruction was taken as "cut-only-half-inch". The blow dry started and wow both the girls had so soft hand that I guess if even a hair was broken. The final look was WOW!!! I had a continuous BIG smile on my face. I have a long praising speech ready but to cut it short... I FOUND MY HAIR STYLIST!!!
I am a happy client and will be returning soon.
The charges for normal Hair cut are Pkr 1500/-

For further info and Salon details join L'atelier on Facebook.


I really loved the Chandeliers, do have a look. 
L'atelier Reception
My Favourite Brand Luscious on the counter
The Chandelier in the Hall
The Chandelier in the Stair case
The Chandelier in the reception area
The Golden Cage:)

The Hall full of Designer range
Designer Jewelry and Clothing
Beautiful Designer Formal collection
Designer Collection by Sara Raza, owner
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Do read other Sparkling Posts on L'atelier.

Have you found your trustworthy Hair stylist? 

Stay blessed.
Remember me in your prayers.
Love & Respect.


NOTE: This is a PR post/product, my review and opinion is 100% honest with my readers. For details read MY BLOG POLICY.

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  1. Oh wow! such a nyc place and i love ur hair cut :)

  2. fabolous saloon your new hair style
    happy day

  3. your so much like me I'm very what they say (fussy) about my hair cut. I usually get it done by tony & guy but Glad to know about L'atelier too :)

  4. thankyou so much for the inside review of la'telier and ofcourse your haircut looks gorgeous.

  5. 1500 is a bit much for this hair cut...but looks lovely on you:)


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