Pond's White Beauty Pinkish-White-Glow Lightening Facial Foam~ Review

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Sparkling Palette Blog 11 Comments

ponds, face wash, whitening, winter care

I usually start my hunt for a good face wash for Winters even before this weather actually arrives, as I believe in taking care of the skin from the very basics, as one cannot expect any good foundation to work on a dehydrated and dried-up skin. This Winter my finding is Pond's White Beauty. Read More to Reveal More!!!
Pond's White Beauty Pinkish-White-Glow Lightening Facial Foam:

Pond's White Beauty Lightening Facial Foam
Pond's White Beauty Lightening Facial Foam
Pond's White Beauty Lightening Facial Foam
Beautiful shaped head and flip open cap
The authenticity as price and expiry date is mentioned


Having a Combination skin means changing skin care and also many makeup basic products every time the weather changes. Winter arrival means a big and drastic change in my skin care routine starting from my face wash. As my Summer face wash is always the one which may cause extra dryness to me in Winters. I usually trust Boots Hydrating face wash in Winters, but it was not available on any counter in Islamabad. I gave a try to Pond's White beauty face wash, which came in my gift basket I won at Pond's Pakistan Facebook giveaway. Voila! it worked for me. No tightness of skin and no accentuated dry patches. I knew its a keeper for me this Winters. Well it doesn't give any extra moisture, but also does not rip the skin of any of its own moisture, if you know what I mean. Well I couldn't feel any extra glow on my face, I am already fair, but ageing and hormones, The DEMONS, are having some tolls on my skin, which I am sure this white beauty wouldn't be able to tackle. So I was not expecting much from this one on this front, but just to clean my face without making it dehydrated and dried. The packaging is cool all white with soft pink cap, in a beautiful petal shape. Flip open and a decent size of nozzle. The face wash is pearlescent white. The small amount gives a face full of foam, lalalalalala I love lather allot of it, it psychologically satisfies me of the cleansing...lolz- I know its strange. Pond's is very good at all that foamy lather in their face washes. The price is very reasonable and quantity is awesome. Do give it a try, for me it is a KEEPER!


4/5. My Winter savior it is.


Available nation wide for PKR 230/-. Do check the authenticity before making the purchase, find the sticker declaring it the product of Unilever Pakistan. For details and info join Pond's Pakistan on Facebook here.

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Which Face wash are you using this Winters?

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Love & Respect.


NOTE: This is not a PR post/product, I won this in a fair giveaway held by the brand on facebook for Pakistan, my review and opinion is 100% honest with my readers. For details read the SMB POLICY HERE.

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  1. Yes, it lathers so well and Ponds white beauty face washes are my favvvvvv. This white one and the black one (deep cleansing facial foam) are my HG face washes... Love these.. thanks for sharing your thoughts on this too ^_^

  2. great review.I really like this face wash and i consider it one of the best by ponds

  3. Nice review. do you think it will be any good or a dry skinned gal!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, dear for me it works good, as the most dry area of my face, my cheeks doesn't get more dried up after it use, and behave good :)

  4. I haven't used for Ponds for years I didn't actually think it existed anymore but it seems like it's nice and gentle on the skin :o) Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

  5. i have used this but second you it didn't lighter the marks....grt review....

  6. Ponds face washes are my all time fav.......good quality products at affordable prices.....xoxoxo....:)

  7. I agree with the psychological satisfaction part :D

  8. sounds ineresting , will give it a try , thanks dear for sharing x

  9. Thank you all for stopping by and commenting with love and kind words :) <3

  10. Nice review it gv me bad acne i stop using it and after tht i try to keep the distance from ponds face washes!


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