Trusted Skin Care! Nivea Cleansing Milk, Toner and St.Ives Green Tea Scrub

Thursday, May 01, 2014 Sparkling Palette Blog 7 Comments

I so much wanted to share my Trusted Skin Care products, which I have been using since quite a time, finally here it is. Read More to Reveal More!!!

With my negligence for Skin Care last Summer, I learned that NEVER EVER to compromise on Skin Care routine. Last Summer I thought that only the use of a good, not to mention "expensive", Cleansing foaming gel can do it all for me, i.e cleansing and removing makeup. Although it did cleansed my face but in the longer run my skin became dull, and other skin issues became prominent. Another reason for this was NO Proper exfoliation or scrubbing, well my sensitive skin doesn't let any BEST of the BEST Scrub to serve me even GOOD. St. Ives Apricot scrub, a majority's favourite, doesn't suite me, even in its sensitive skin version. Actually my baby-skin cant tolerate gritty or even few milled granules, it makes my skin RED and just aggravate my black heads I don't know why? I had to pay the cost for my laziness, therefore when the Winters started ( actually I realized my mistake when the weather was changing into Winters) I started HUNT for good, not to forget "affordable", products for skin care. My search and research narrowed down to the Cleanser and Toner of Nivea (choose according to your own skin type they have variants available for every type of skin) and St. Ives Green Tea Scrub. Let's Review these in the order of their usage during facial:


Nivea Indulging Cleansing Milk
Nivea Daily Essentials Indulging Cleansing Milk is for Dry to Sensitive Skin type, and in Winters I fall in this category (note: choose skin care according to weather and your own skin type). I loved it! It is so soft gentle, with a mild fragrance, the trademark of Nivea. It removed my make up and also cleansed my skin off dirt and dry patches. Yes dry patches, as once I was cleansing my skin and had an important call to attend, during the call I kept on massaging my skin in circular motion, after 5 minutes I could see the dry/dead skin balling up. Although the sight of black rolling balls of dirt was not good but I was over-amazed. After cleaning it with the facial puff, dipped and drenched with lukewarm water, my skin felt as soft as BABY. In Summers I am planning to try its variant for Oily/combination skin. The 200ml packaging served me well through the Winters months and I still have half of it left in there.
I purchased it for PKR 500/-, available in all cosmetics stores Nation wide.


St. Ives Green Tea Scrub
This product is like an answer to all my prayers. All my life, I mean youth, I strived to own a scrub that REALLY suites me, but alas! Then a time came that I literally stopped buying any scrub at all. Imagine a skin care routine without a scrub or good exfoliant, just imagine! I know that's drastic for skin care, esp when its maturing. But I preferred it over the redness and rashes of my sensitive skin. When I spotted this beauty, read few reviews and interviewed its proud owners/users, I knew I will try it out, as it was not that heavy on the pocket as well. I tried it and fell head over heels in LOVE with it. It was like my Jackpot. Finally a scrub that suites me and works very well. Trust me its a GEM. The granules are so finely milled and not at all harsh on the skin. I gently massage it for 2-3 minutes on my skin after cleansing and wash it off with lukewarm water ( I don't remove it with puff in-case the rubbing off makes it harsh on my skin). This is a life saver and a face saver for me. Facial or no facial I use it at-least twice a week, to remove dead/dry skin and brighten up my face. I have noticed an improvement in my skin, I am getting less bumps etc. After facial hair removing, I use to get a line of bumpy heads, I tried to use it on the NEXT day of my hair removing session, very gently and softly, and noticed that the situation improved allot. The green tea soothing effect is really refreshing and it smells so good and natural. The green-cucumber colour looks so COOL. Amazingly it didn't do any harm to my dry skin, I used it after and even sometimes without cleansing. I am sure it will be same fabulous beauty in Summers too. I have found my HG scrub. The quantity is really good for the price tag.
I purchased it for PKR 390/-, available in all cosmetics stores Nationwide.


Nivea Soothing Toner
Nivea daily essentials Soothing Toner for dry to sensitive skin is a GEM. After cleansing, scrubbing and applying-removing mask it really soothes and moisturises the skin (I used freeman's Chocolate clay mask after scrubbing, reviewed here). This one is a beauty as if you feel even a slightest tightening of skin after facial or even daily face wash, just splash it on  face ( I believe applying toner with a cotton-ball just waste of the product) You will notice the skin relieved as if you applied a mild-moisturiser. Yes it is really refreshing and hydrating. Its pinkish in colour and smells very fresh, not strong at all. I love applying it palm-full on my face, directly, after facial or even my daily face washing. Simply Love it! Looking forward to try its variant for oily/combination skin this Summers. The quantity will last you more than one season.
I purchased it for PKR 525/-, available in all cosmetics stores Nationwide.


Facial puff/sponge is a must have to assist in the ritual. Always keep it clean and change it every month/season. I purchased it for Pkr 50/-.

So that's all from the Facial Room...lolz. I hope you enjoyed this post. I am trying to be regular with skin care, try to do it atleast once a week. All our skin needs is a proper care, expensive or affordable products are secondary. Depends on personal preferences. Nivea, St. Ives and Freeman are mostly liked brands for affordable skin brands and easily available in the local market. Now I am waiting for Summers to BOOM so I can switch to the Nivea cleanser and Toner according to my skin type then.

Note: Always choose skin care according to weather and your own skin type.

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Love & Respect.


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  1. I think i will try the toner :) thanks for sharing dear.

  2. Green tea scrub i wantttttt great products budget friendly oh i got the same spunge 😜

  3. nice post ... proud owner of that scrub too :)

  4. Thanks for sharing.I like all these products :-)

  5. I am trying my best to set my skincare routine......Very detailed and nice review dear....I will try these too....xoxoxo....^_^

  6. i am buying that toner for my mom she has super dry skin

  7. St. ives scrub is really good,I'll try the other products.thanks for a good post


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