Color Studio Professional Blush in Pixie Pink~ Review and swatches

Tuesday, October 02, 2012 Sparkling Palette Blog 10 Comments

Hey Makeup Lovers!!!
Have you ever wished for a BIG full-palm size Blush-on and that too in affordable price? I ever wanted such a Big treat, Did Color Studio Professional's Pro Blush granted the wish I want? To Know more Read more!!!


  • Easy to blend with foundation for any skin tone
  • Long lasting Effects
  • For contouring
  • Light weight application
  • Aesthetic beauty care
Available in 5 Shades: I selected "PIXIE PINK"

ColorStudioPro Pro Blush
Transparent lid with easy opening

This is a real Big full-palm size packaging with a transparent click open lid. Travel friendly. 13g./0.45 oz.

ColrStudioPro Pro Blush in Pixie Pink

Pro Blush Pixie Pink #103

The Swatch

Size does Matter!!!

A Pink Blush-on for daily use was missing in my stash, although I had a good collection of blushes, shades ranging from coral, peach to orange, shimmer to Bronzer. I had my eyes on ColorStudioPro, (CSP), Pro blush from quite sometime as every one was raving about it's Big size, affordable price and Best quality. So, when in Ramazan, Holy month of Fasting for Muslims, CSP launched an offer to buy any 3 products and get a Lip Artist, lip Liner free I couldn't resist myself, who could? So had a HAUL to get a chance to try this brand. I must say I am not disappointed at all.
I found this shade "PIXIE PINK" as most suitable for my daily use pink blush, as we all love to have that natural subtle pink blush, the one which shows the innocence. This one give purely a natural Pinky blush with Radiance, nothing Dramatic about it. I am using it almost every time I am going out, in day time also for evenings, where I want a graceful natural blush on my cheeks. I like the fact that it has no shimmer in it, as every time one don't want a shimmery glow, Right?
This one is good to give you from sheer to medium coverage, the much you like. It's also buildable, if you are hard handed then the good pigmentation will easily help you through. I use it soft handed, as what I want out of this is: A natural, soft and subtle Pink Blush, and it give the best results. The texture is good, and the blush is firmly fixed in the pan, not much fall-outs. So all in all its the Love of Life these days.
In the last picture above, you can see in comparison to MUA Bronzer and Luscious Blush it is really BIG, I think it will last me a life-time. But if ever it will hit the pan I will surely get it again, as such a beauty I have never found earlier as either the Pinks are really shimmery or shocking. I love it!!!
I must say: "ColorStudioPro is delivering Quality with Quantity and that too in affordable price".
This Product is used in a FOTD here.
  • Full palm size, Size does matter!!!
  • Well pigmented
  • Deliver desired shade in one go
  • Firmly fixed to the pan as no or very less fall-outs
  • Travel Friendly
  • Affordable 
  • Easily Available, in stores and On-line stores too
  • CSP has a minimal but wonderful shades suitable for 5 moods, do check yours


  • You are not into Pink Blushes
  • You do not like cosmetics which won't finish quickly (few people loves the products which quickly finishes in their stash so they can buy something new evertime)
  • I personally did not find anything negative about this one


I will definitely give Pixie Pink by CSP 5/5. I highly recommend this blush for the young girls and working ladies as it is a love for daily use sans Drama.


CSP Pro Blush will cost you 550 and is easily available in the Cosmetics Store nation wide, you will have to check the nearest store in your area. I bought it from CSP display at D-Watson Blue area. You can also buy it online from
For staying updated with the latest join ColorStudioPro Pakistan on Facebook.

Hope You all will like my choice of Pro Blush. Feel free to comment and do share, like, tweet and G+ this post with your friends to spread the love of Blushes.

Do You own a Pro Blush by CSP? Which one? Do share your experience.

Remember me in your prayers.

NOTE: This Product is NOT a PR sample.

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  1. nice review... Gilr :) i am so so happy you are improving day by day :) its a very healthy sign.. Keep it up girl <3

    1. Dear thank you for your kind words, after recieving Liane Award I thought o gear up, and thanx for this sign ill always use this under my blogposts as your gift:)

  2. You're right..Size does matter! Im pretty pleased with CSP Products..this blush is a lovely pink :)

  3. Color is so nice. Love to read your review <3

  4. very nice review just came across your blog your doing a great job like your style too.

  5. I have the same shade :) sucha lovely shade , thanks for the review :) <3 xx

  6. Well this is such lovely color i hve this and i am totally in love with this color <3
    Nice review :)

  7. this product is on my wishlist,will be getting it very soon :)


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