Liane Blogger Award

Monday, October 01, 2012 Sparkling Palette Blog 10 Comments

Hey Makeup Lovers!!!
I am really Happy, or may be "Happy" is a small word to describe my feeling of gratitude and satisfaction as a beauty blogger. I am thankful to My Lippie Buddy Mahrukh Hayyat @ Mahrukh Hayyat Blog for nominating me for Liane Blogger Award:) Dear You are not only a friend but more than that, You are an inspiration to love makeup, esp Lippies and to review them in more original and honest way which is close to heart. Thanks once again with loads of Love and gratitude:)<3<3<3
Liane Blogger Award

This award brings in some RULES TO FOLLOW, so here are those Rules:

The Rules:

Tag the blogger who awarded you.

Answer the five questions below.

Award the Laine Blogger Award to 5 of your favorite bloggers.

I have already tagged my Beauty blogger friend Mahrukh Hayyat. So for now I will answer the question below:

Question 1: What is your current beauty obsession?

Answer: My current Beauty obsession is Color Studio Blush in Pixie Pink.

Question 2: What is one beauty item you wished you owned?
Answer: Now a days I wish that I must own few things from Benefit and on the top is there new kit: "SUGARLICIOUS" earlier I wanted "I am glam therefore I am!"
Question 3: What is your favorite post to read or write about?
Answer: All beauty products related blog posts are my favourite to read. Every day I open to know whats new on her page and keep an eye on mahrukh hayyat blog and sahrish adeel. com as well:)

Question 4: What inspired you to become a blogger?

Answer: Well it was November, 2011, I won a contest on Luscious Cosmetics Facebook page. There I saw a link to a beauty blog "Glamarama", the blog was about Luscious Blush. This was first time I read a beauty blog but the basics of beauty blogging I learned from a very inspiring Beauty blogger a MUSE to all of us, yes! SARA HASSAN. So it started and now I am known as a beauty blogger myself, Alhamdulillah!
Question 5: What nail polish are you wearing right now?
Answer: My all time favourite "Cafe" from Sweet touch nail polishes:)

As per rules now I will nominate 5 of my fellow bloggers:)

Sahar Awan:
Shinaya Ji:
Rabia Asif:

Remember me in your Prayers.


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  1. Congrats dear and Thanks for nominating me <3

  2. thank you honey for award.. it was lovely reading about you

  3. Awe thank you so.. I am so touched by your words :) i feel so happy when u say me Lippi buddy lolz.. and I nominated you because you write in detail about the product best of luck I wish you success and happy life in all means... Love you

  4. Congratulation honey and thankyou os much for tagging me. This means alot to me ;)

    1. Thanx alot dear and ur welcome:)as u deserve it with ur great interesting posts:)


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