Me & My MMMakeup Launch experience! Picture Heavy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Sparkling Palette Blog 26 Comments

#MMMakeup launch is the talk of the town, not only for its being the first certified HALAL makeup but also for the quality for the affordable price. Here is my personal experience, no "copy paste", for the launch event held in Lahore, including all the details of how I made it to the event, travelling all the way from Islamabad... Read More to Reveal More!
Rewind to 30th April, 2015:

Let me brag about, being living between two cities: Lahore and Islamabad, how unfortunate I felt on missing any event happening in one of the above mentioned cities, and myself being in the other. Even sometimes it happened that I was travelling on the same day any event held in the two cities. Recently, I was travelling from Islamabad to Lahore and there was an event in Lahore on the same day and next day an event was in Islamabad, missed both. Well a little history is always fine to know ;) 

Now back to the point; launch of a Halal Makeup range was in the air since January, this year. Been contacted by the PR team, I was way more than excited, not only because of the cause but more for the person behind the whole effort, yes Masarrat Misbah has always been one of the inspiring ladies I have looked up to. On many social networking occasions I have praised her persona. She truly deserves to be praised and to get inspired of. Her struggle, strength and positivity not only elevated her stature in the society but also empowered many who joined her along the journey. Perfection of her work and her loyalty to every cause she worked for, made her respectable for one and all. She is one of those ladies who are into many trades and aced them all. She is a Makeup Artist, an Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Mother and now owns her Halal Makeup line too. The experience and hard work of around 35 years, yet she is the most calm, poised, graceful and smiling person I have ever met (I can not pass even a single smile after ONE tiring day!). She is the most humble person I have ever met, even with all that fame. I am impressed, inspired and awed by this graceful lady in every way.

So when I came to know about the launch event in Lahore, I knew I had to made to it, just to meet the persona of grace herself. The event was handled by Walnut PR. The official press release with all details about the brand can be read here. Got the invite and I was full of excitement, as we earlier had a plan to travel to Lahore on the same date, just needed a little requesting (read: begging) to hubby to start the travel by 12 pm instead of 5 pm, so I can make it to the event. No need to describe my situation, as it was my first long travel with my newborn, and my hyper-active Bebo. I was all stressed and tensed with the excitement to make it the event plus the fear of not forgetting any essential travel item at home, lolz, to put the fiasco in right word, it was all pretty "jumbled-up". Phew! I finally made it to the event in time. After reaching Lahore I called my blogger fellows, announcing my arrival, to their Surprise!

Venue was Sante' the salon, leaving my kids in car with hubby, I went in. All my travel tiredness went away. The ambiance was all nice and everyone was smiling. I made and entry in a register with the manager of Sante'. Then I was welcomed by Hafsa Haseeb, one of the sweetest ladies. She was amazed and happy for my being there, after all that travel. She introduced me to Masarrat Misbah and was in all praise for my effort, and there I was in all awe after meeting MM (last time I met her at Depilex, in 2009, accompanying some friend from Media). She was very happy and all in smile (her signature smile). While I was Talking to her, praising her initiative, she was correcting my hijab, yes she is that simple and loving. She described her passion for the Halal Makeup Launch, which has been her dream, as she always wanted to do this. She always wanted the ladies to know what's in their makeup. As she herself is a veteran makeup artist she knows how harmful ingredients/chemicals like Paraben and Lead are being used in the beauty products. Her utmost concern was the usage of animal fat obtained from pork or non-zabeeh animals, in the cosmetics, which surely are prohibited in our religion, and have long-term bad effects too. She wanted to ensure Pakistani women to beautify with the Halal makeup range without any doubts. The expansion of range is in the pipeline, and it will soon be available all over Pakistan, now only available at Depilex and Sante, can be purchased online. She told me her concern about how the idea will be taken by the masses, she said "Ladies are mocking the idea by saying that can we it this makeup too, as its Halal!". I assured her that she will get all the success in this endeavour too like all her many, her hardwork and faithful effort will surely bear fruits.
I was then taken to the makeup counter to get all beautified. I only tried the foundation and Liquid lipstick, due to short time in my hand (kids! remember). Met all the fellow bloggers from Lahore, attending the event, Fakhra Rafique, Sherry KhattakAyesha Irfan, Hira and Maria Tabassum, Aamal Nauman and Shinaaya. Met the gorgeous owner of Sante', Redah Misbah, and she knew me through my insta posts. Cybil Chaudry was there to grace the event, and I must say that Lahore Models are so professional yet simple. Sadaf Zarrar from Siddy Says was there too. How can I forget Samra Muslim, meeting her in person was a dream come true, she is so sweet and kind. Finally met Anita Ali too, she was the first to contact me for the launch (she was the first ever PR person I worked with on some other project).
No it was not all that serious, during all this meeting and greeting we were capturing #selfies and #celfies too. Chatting and laughing. As I was in a rush, I waited for Shinaaya to be there, met her and left the venue, before cake cutting, didn't taste those yummy cupcakes too :( as my newborn made daddy so upset that I had to bring him upstairs with me, I am glad the event was kids friendly. Zoay, daughter of Redah and grand-daughter of MM was also present. Received my Goody Bag too with all the love.
Now let the pictures talk (read the captions carefully, you'll surely enjoy!) I deliberately added pics in end so words and pictures don't hinder each other. Enjoy! #MMMakeup

On my way to Sante' the salon, Lahore
Yeh Chandelier mjhey dey dey! Decore.
Masarrat Misbah with her #MMMakeup range
#MMMakeup counter, yum!
MMM Lipsticks, blushes and Eyeshadows #MMMakeup
MMM Mascaras, more lipsticks and Ethereal Glow for cheeks
MMM liners and Mascaras
MMM Foundations, Liquid lipsticks and face powders. Love the logo!
MMMakeup for makeovers
Mirror mirror on the wall! Me all-ready for makeover
How come I missed this counter full of cupcakes, kids!
MM, Hafsa and a guest, Sante' Lahore
Redah Misbah, hairstylist and owner of Sante'
The best click of the day! Redah & Zoay
Sadaf Zarrar and Mehreen
Don't miss the best selfie at the end :)
Perks of being a Mommy Blogger :p
With the Maestro Masarrat Misbah
Me with Hafsa Haseeb
we changed sides :p lolz no its from other moment, from my camera
With Samra Muslim
Lahore Bloggers selfie: Me, Fakhra, Sherry and Aamal
And then MM graced our selfie!
With Fakhra, too sweet to be true person. Kids not allowed, that's my newborn behind small heart lolz
With Shinaaya, too stylish to be true, Kids not allowed again lolz, newborn behind the chick this time.
Shinaaya, this girl took my heart and never called again :p lolz
With Ayesha Irfan, True Damsel
With Sherry Khattak, The tallest of 'em all.
Celfie with Cybil Chaudry
Left: Take Selfie! Right: Check Selfie! lolz
Now the most interesting selfie of the day, there I was taking my selfie, clicked, then I heard MM "akelay akelay selfie" she ran to me, all smiling, and we had the best selfie of the day!

Left: #Selfie Right: #Celfie

Event was fun, great and beyond. It was a bit tiring due to travel and all, but I must tell you I am glad I made it to the event, thanks for the MMMakeup and Walnut PR team for the invitation, Huda Naveed, The Lipstickholic, for the motivation and my family for bearing with me :p The sweet memories will remain forever!
Here is my #MMM Goody Bag:

  • MMM Silk Foundation
  • MMM Lip Gloss: Dhallia
  • MMM Liquid Lipstick: Phenomenal Red
  • MMM Etheral Glow
  • MMM Lip Varnish: UpTown Girl

#MMMakeup Goody Bag
Follow #MMMakeup on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Online.

Hope you liked this Eventful post. Do share your views, comment, share, like, tweet, G+ and Pin IT.

Bless me with your comments!!!

Follow the hashtag #SMBlovesMMM on InstagramFacebook and Twitter.

Stay blessed.
Remember me in your prayers.
Keep Sparkling!!!
Love & Respect.


Note: All the content and pictures belong to Sparkling's Makeup blog, thus cannot be copied or re-used. If you have concern about any picture included email us: I am not paid for writing this post. The Goody Bag was part of the PR of this event.

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  1. This is an amazing post! Never knew the story behind you travel :D it was great to meet you and yes thank you for letting the world know i am the tallest of all :'D

  2. OMG!!! Such a lovely post, look at all of ur how pretty we r looking :p

  3. wow loved reading your post.Its very difficult to travel with kids indeed.All pics are beautiful.The goodies looks so amazing.I am looking forward to try this makeup line and I love the brand logo.

  4. LOVE reading captions under pictures :D What a fun post! x

  5. Loved this post. It felt like am actually there at the event :) Loved the pictures and the captions :D You look great and everyone is lookin fab <3

    1. Oh wish you were with me, waiting for them to launch in Islamabad soon so we can have fun swatching :)

  6. It makes me so happy to see Pakistani women in such space. MM is as graceful as her name. All you ladies look beautiful. Lovely read. <3

  7. Very detailed and very beautiful post. Loved reading it. I got invitation too but could not make it. (Traveling from Isloo to Lahore). Really enjoyed those pics.

  8. You have covered the event amazingly, all of you are looking super gorgeous :)

  9. OMG,just spotted your little baby,you all look so lovely and fresh ,sherry,myra,fakhra
    you must had a great time guyz

  10. Wow so beautiful pictures. You are looking so pretty MashaAllah and I spotted your new born as well :)

    1. hahah I concealed him so tight still u managed :p Thank you :)

  11. i love the pic's so lovely moments i really enjoy reading it
    hi please visit my blog to and follow me if you like to

  12. Loved reading your post :* Can't believe I missed seeing you all.

  13. lovely clicks....the pictures are super awesome.

  14. Enjoyed reading your post! Glad you made it on time! :D Blessings for your newborn! <3 Now review all the makeup! :P x


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