Share #KhaanaWithParosi!!! Hilarious narrative but serious message!

Friday, May 12, 2017 Sparkling Palette Blog 2 Comments

Being a stranger in a new neighborhood; nothing but FOOD helps you connect with your new parosies, and this thing has been beautifully portrayed in Shan Foods new TVC.
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Shan Foods comes up with an innovative and interactive idea with every new TVC, be it the two students celebrating Eid away from home, or an honest employee being loyal to his boss and getting rewarded with love and respect etc. The latest TVC shows a newly shifted Chinese lady in a Lahori neighborhood feeling lonely in a totally alien land and culture of ours, I guess she must have heard somewhere about Lahories being the Foodies (the ones who add BBQue masala even in their Chinese food and yumms down everything saying FOOD they see), so she comes up with the right plan and decides to cook a desi food, and what else can astonish a Lahori family other than a BIRYANI :p its their weakness, literally (NOTE: I am a Lahori and I cook best biryani, thanks to Shan Biryani Masala)

Ok so our Chinese Baji visits the market and picks up Shan Biryani Masala TADA!!!

With the help of online translation and some common sense, our Beautiful Chinese Baji cooks the yummiest Biryani from Shan Masala, I am not sure if she added aluu (potato) in it or not. Holding a Bamboo Steamer (aka Chabbay wala dabba) in her hands and dupatta on her head, she is all set to jam-in with the desi family, and she does it the best way... FOOD.

Having a language barrier our Chinese Baji uses her Isharo'n ki zuban (sign-Language) skills the best way. Lahori Family lets her in, obviously for the yummy Biryani she made for them :p No just joking Lahories are famous for being good hosts and welcoming everyone :)

No doubts about it that every one loved the Biryani our #ChineseBaji cooked using Shan Masalas. They loved her, adored her, welcomed her with open hearts and invited her to visit whenever she can!

Hurray!!! Our Chinese Baji has befriended with the Desi Family, who will cook MASALA NOODLES for her and would love her to bring Shan Nihari for next time. HaHaHaHa!

The meme below is the best one and I loved it, sharing for fun:

 Apart from my hilarious narrative Shan Foods' Latest TVC is very innovative and quite synced with the CPEC scenario in Pakistan, it is good of them to take up a new idea and launch it beautifully with the warmth of our welcoming and kind culture. The other major keypoint is our rich tradition of sharing #KhaanaWithParosi, unfortunately in urbanized living this ages old tradition is somewhat fading, great of Shan foods to promote it again by inspiring everyone to share #KhaanaWithParosi again, so the love and warmth of our neighborhood prosper in a good way!
Have a look at the TVC:

Hope you liked this post and the TVC must have inspired you to share your favourite #KhaanaWithParosi too. Well Parosi can be anyone who is living in your neighborhood, working with you at the office, studying along you, travelling with you... keep sharing and spread care and love!
Follow #SPB #KhaanawithParosi #Shanfoods and #KhushiyanChakhLo on  InstagramFacebook and Twitter.

Remember me in your prayers.
Keep Sparkling!!!


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  1. It was a beautiful TVC and your post is fun. We are using National for very long time and are still very much loved their products. would try Shan soon.


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